Brushing Your Cat's Teeth

adsense 336x280 February is pet dental month, it's a good time to have your cat's teeth checked out. Cats need regular dental care or they will get oral disease by the time they are 3 years old. Brushing your cat's teeth is an easy thing you can do to keep them healthy.

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Over 80 percent of cats that are older than 6 years have periodontal disease. If left untreated, it can lead to serious problems and shorten your pets life. You should start with a yearly dental exam when the cat is age 2. The vet can determine if a tooth cleaning/polishing is necessary. It will take 30 minutes, your cat will need to be anesthetized for the procedure.

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Brushing Your Cat's Teeth

Here's an informative video that shows how easily you can brush your cats teeth.

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